Laid Back Fur!

Title: Laid Back Fur!
Subject: Furry Stray Dog
Medium: Camel Black Indian Ink, dip pen, Staedtler mechanical pencil
Indian Handmade paper 20x14 inches
Duration: 1.5 hours
September 4th 2016

It's been rather laid back weeks, for only today the sun has come out bright and shinning. Spending most of my time with my son, who is back from my in-laws, i've missed him for nine months and now taking every chance to be with him and enjoy all his antics. It's like going back to being a child again, laughing, crawling, making silly faces, singing etc.. Several works are in progress at the moment as well. Will work on them during my late night studio hours.

Final coat of wall painting is going on at my studio as well, hopefully by coming September 22nd, studio should be opening up.

Had a an awesome weekend yesterday with pencil jammers, i've been guilty of not attending regular jams. It's a great place to meet up with fellow artists, share ideas, get inspired and offcourse draw. Made few outdoor sketches after long time. Sharing one of those sketch here!   
